New Life
Support Services
Christ-centered support for healing from abortion, abuse, shame, loss, and unplanned pregnancy in Idaho.
Welcome to New Life Services
Feeling burdened by past decisions, loss, or trauma? You’re not alone. We provide Christ-centered support and resources for healing from abortion, abuse, grief, and loss. Experience the abundant life Jesus promised through restoration and recovery. We are a non-profit service provider for individuals, pregnancy centers and churches who are seeking help or education or recovery from abortion’s trauma. We also offer resources for related trauma such as sexual abuse, grief, loss and miscarriage.
Our Services
New Life Support Services trains post-abortion healing leaders, provides retreats and materials, and offers online classes and support groups for issues like abuse, grief, and loss. We also bring healing programs to prisons and operate a mobile pregnancy care unit serving Idaho’s remote Lost River Valley.
Revive Retreat for Past Abortion Healing.
Revive Retreat for Post-Abortion Healing: This weekend retreat uses a thoughtful and reflective curriculum to guide women through meaningful experiences, providing a safe space to process their emotions, grieve, and begin healing.
Prison Ministry
Post Abortion ministry in prison is deeply needed because incarcerated women have much higher rates of abortion. Often, they report their criminal behavior was a direct result of their reaction to their abortion.
Healing Bible Studies
We offer healing Bible studies online using several resources and apps. We use Healed and Set Free, by Tammy Brown for healing from Sexual Abuse, A Time to Heal by Susan Ficht and Linda Cochrane for grief and loss, and Forgiven and Set Free for spiritual and emotional healing from past abortions.
New Life Support Services
New Life Support Services will open our pregnancy care center doors on January 1, 2025, at 431 Main St, Challis,
About us
About twelve years ago, Melissa Hardy was head of the Post Abortion Ministry at Calvary Chapel, Boise. The ministry regularly offered the Silent Voices Retreat. Yvonne Brewer, a member of Calvary, heard about it and joined Melissa co-leading the retreat and follow up Forgiven & Set Free classes. The classes spread to other venues, working with Love Inc. of Treasure Valley, a local homeless shelter and eventually in the Idaho State women’s prison near Boise. And then, the Lord led Melissa to a remote town in the Idaho mountains! There she had new and challenging experiences working in a secular drug rehabilitation center as well as working with local Christians offering rehab retreats. She also worked with Hope’s Place of Salmon, Idaho to offer PA healing. Yvonne continued to work in the prison and expanded to work with several local pregnancy centers offering PA training and classes. But we always knew the Lord would use us to work together again. In 2019, Yvonne was led to write the Revive Retreat, steering away from the “psychological” retreat model and focusing purely on the Word of God. Through Melissa’s work at Hope’s Place Pregnancy Care Center, the retreat was offered several times. We then formed Women From the Well, DBA Hope’s Place. In early 2023, the Hope’s Place board decided to disband the pregnancy center and give the non-profit to Women From the Well. Since then we have changed our name to New Life Support Services and formed our board with those who have been working with us and those who have benefited from the healing. We have several centers with whom we have partnered to offer the retreat. They regularly use our services for referral for PA clients. The retreats also bring some women to see the need to work on affiliated issues such as sexual abuse and loss. Melissa is our retreat and online class leader. Yvonne continues to work in the prison as well as develop PA materials and mentor new PA leaders. Our hope is to encourage and support many more pregnancy care centers in their outreach to the post abortive, sexually abused and hurting women. We also hope to develop a speaker’s bureau of healed women to spread the word of the availability and need for such healing.